Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Técnicas de estudo

Entramos na sexta semana de aulas, então as provas estão se aproximando rapidamente!! Eu tive uma prova ontem, e terei outra semana que vem.

Algumas pessoas sofrem de ansiedade pré-provas, então essa época de provas pode deixá-las sobrecarregadas. É extremamente importante focar e estudar bem para reduzir o estresse antes das provas, então vou dizer aqui a minha "rotina de estudo".


Eu preciso de um lugar calmo, sem barulho, e sem perturbação. O andar de cima da biblioteca é um ótimo local para estudar porque eu posso pegar alguns livros emprestados e adicionar como fonte de pesquisa nos meus trabalhos, posso usar os computadores e imprimir o que eu precisar, e é calmo. Algumas pessoas gostam de ir para coffee houses, mas eu me distraio facilmente, então preciso me isolar. Se estou em casa, normalmente me tranco no meu quarto e coloco protetores de ouvido.

Juntando os materias necessários

Junto tudo que eu provavelmente ache que vá precisar: livros, cadernos, marca-texto, caneta, lápis, borracha, sticky-notes, laptop, lanche (comida pro cérebro), lenços (eu espirro muito), água, e café (sim, eu vivo de café).


Começo lendo o sumário do capítulo. Faço isso porque assim eu tenho uma idéia geral do que vou ler e os termos importantes que tenho que prestar atenção. Depois do sumário, dou uma olhadinha por cima e leio os subtítulos e as possíveis definições que ficam na lateral das páginas. Agora eu tô preparada pra ler o capítulo inteiro.

Enquanto leio, vou marcando as partes importantes. Se estou lendo um livro alugado eu não marco nada, ao invés eu marco a página apontando o que é importante. Já que inglês não é minha língua nativa, eu vou anotando as definições das palavras novas que não sei numa sticky-note (dica: o dicionário online Merriam-Webster é ótimo, bem como o aplicativo). Se estou lendo um artigo que imprimi do BlackBoard (um portal do estudante) ou se foi um documento entregue em sala de aula, eu rabisco tudo! Escrevo diretamente no papel, ponho minhas anotações, escrevo as definições, e marco com marca-texto. Independente do que estou lendo, sempre faço anotações e comparo com as que fiz na sala de aula. Isso me ajuda a assimilar a matéria e é uma boa maneira de revisar.

Quando termino com as leituras, estou pronta para responder as perguntas ou escrever meu trabalho. 


Quando estou estudando para as provas, primeiro reviso minhas anotações. Se não lembro de algo muito bem, leio a parte específica sobre isso, não o capítulo inteiro. As outras coisas que eu lembro, leio bem por cima e vou repetindo e me ensinando à medida que vou lendo (isso mesmo, eu falo comigo mesma e pareço uma doida, mas não tô nem aí). Se estou estudando para uma disciplina que involve números, como estatística, eu refaço as questões para ter certeza que entendi as fórmulas e os conceitos completamente.

Se tenho tempo suficiente, normalmente rescrevo minhas anotações feita em sala de aula. Quando termino de estudar (e normalmente é tarde), vou dormir. Estudos indicam que uma noite de sono bem dormida é importante para reter informação (então, não estude tudo na noite anterior).

Grupos de Estudo

Grupos de estudo são uma ótima idéia. Normalmente não faço parte deles porque, como falei anteriormente, me distraio facilmente. Ao invés disso, encontro com um(a) ou dois(uas) amigos(as) e a gente ensina um ao outro o que a gente sabe mais. Ter alguém te ensinando de outra maneira o que você não entendeu ajuda muito e é muito útil para o aprendizado.

Bem, essa é minha rotina. Parece bem longa, mas uma vez que você começa você vê que na verdade é bem fácil e útil.

Agora, de volta aos livros!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Study techniques

We're now on our 6th week of class, so midterms are approaching really fast!! I myself had a midterm yesterday, and I'll have another one next week.

Some people suffer from test anxiety, so midterms can be really overwhelming. It is extremely important to focus and study well in order to reduce stress prior to tests, so I'm going to tell you my "study routine".


I need somewhere quiet, with no noise and no disturbance. The upper level at the school library is a great place to study because I can check out other books to add other sources to my work, I can use the computers and print papers if necessary, and it's quiet. Some people like to go to coffee houses, but I get distracted fairly easy, so I need to isolate myself. If I'm home, I'm usually locked in my room with ear plugs on.

Gathering necessary supplies  

I get everything I can possibly think I will need: books, notebooks, highlighters, pens, pencil, eraser, sticky notes, laptop, snacks (brain food), tissues (I sneeze a lot), water, and coffee (yes, I live off of coffee). 


I start off by reading the summary of the assigned chapter. I do that because it gives me a briefly description of the chapter and key terms I should pay attention to. Following the summary, I skim the chapter reading the headings and possible definitions on the side of the pages. Now I am ready to read the full chapter. 

As I read the material, I highlight important passages. If I'm reading a rented book, I don't highlight anything; instead, I put a tab on the page to mark what is important. Since English is not my native language, I keep track of new vocab by writing its definition on a sticky note (hint: the Merriam-Webster website and app is really good tool). If I'm reading an article I printed from BlackBoard (a student portal) or if it's a handout, I completely tear that paper up! I write on it, make my annotations, write my new vocab, and highlight it. Regardless of what I am reading, I always take notes and compare them to the notes I've taken in class. It helps to assimilate the subject and it is a good way to review it.

After I am finished with my readings, I am ready to answer the assigned questions or write my papers.


When studying for tests I first review my notes. If I can't remember something very well, I read the chapter or the specific heading for that topic. Everything else that I do remember I quickly skim the chapter and kind of teach it to myself as go (yes, I will be talking to myself and sounding like a crazy lady, but I don't really care). If I'm studying for a class that involves numbers, such as statistics, I re-do the questions to make sure I completely got the formulas and concepts.

If I have enough time, I usually re-write my notes and combine them with the notes I've taken in class. After I'm done studying (and it's usually late), I go to bed. Studies have shown that a good night of sleep is important to retain information (so, don't cram up the night before the test).

Study groups

Study groups are great as well. I usually don't take part of it because as I said before, I can get easily distracted. Instead, I meet up with one or two friends and we help each other based on our strengths. Having someone else giving you a different insight on something you quite don't fully grasp is extremely helpful and it does help with learning.

Well, this is my study routine. It does seem quite long, but once you start doing it you will see it is actually very simple and helpful.

Now, back to the books!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Working on campus

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I last posted, but end of the semester, holidays, and the beginning of a new semester took its toll on me. :) Nevertheless, I want to talk to you guys about employment on campus. What? You didn't know it was possible? Oh yes, it is!!

To be a student worker on campus you must qualify.  In your first semester, you must provide a successful midterm report to the International Office in order to request on-campus employment. If you have already completed your first semester, just stop by at the International Office and request a letter to show you are ready to work as an international student.  You bring the letter to the Career Center to learn which campus departements are hiring. 

Student workers are allowed to work no more than 19hrs / week during school session, and no more than 40hrs/week on school breaks. You must maintain your F-1 status and a valid I-20.

I started working on-campus during my second semester, and [un]fortunately this will be my last one since I'm graduating in May. The International Office was searching for bloggers, and I had an interview with the director and woot woot!! I got the job! :) Since then I have had the chance to interact with faculty and staff, and my networking started to develop. I ended up applying for a second job on campus, still at the International Office, as a student worker helping with administrative processes and helping international students with documentation, walking them to where their classes are, and so on. Working on campus has given me a great insight on how school is behind all the books and classes. I've had a chance to see how all the processes work from the moment a student apply to the moment he/she arrives on campus for their orientation day, and I have to tell you it is an amazing feeling to help them step by step during the process. It's rewarding!

I truly recommend on-campus employment to all my friends, and to all of you perspective students as well! It's a great opportunity to learn work ethics in the United States, an even greater opportunity for networking (trust me, this is extremely important for your career), and it's also a good way to make that extra money.

I hope I shed some light in this process. If you're more interested, or if you would like to ask me some questions, feel free to drop me a line!