Friday, October 10, 2014

Active shooter feedback

As I had promised, here's the post on how the active shooter training went.

Let me start by letting you know that students were notified by phone (text messages and phone calls) and via email about the training, but even though we were all aware of it - at least the majority of students were - it didn't change the fact that it was still an intense training! 

The common area between 3500 and 3600 buildings was blocked for the training. The first scenario was how Campus Police should approach a suspect who was carrying guns in a backpack. Here's my attempt to capture the moment:

Then, Campus Police moved on to the next scenario: the gunman shot students outside the classroom and then ran inside the classroom. Trust me, this was the most intense part. Students from the Theater Department volunteered to play the wounded - and dead - students, and they had some amazing makeup on. What you're about to see is FAKE blood! Campus Police used air soft guns, so no real bullets were used and no one got injured. Students had an important role on pretending to be hurt, it really gave Campus Police - and us, spectators - a feeling of reality. Here are some pictures of how it went:

Although the training was mainly for Campus Police, students had a chance to glimpse into what was going on, and students in the classrooms had a little training on what to do in case a shooter is at school.

I hope you guys don't get scared by those pictures, and if you want more information about what happened, drop me a line!!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Campus safety

Did you know that MiraCosta Campus Police train to keep students safe.  On September 29, MiraCosta Campus Police will be conducting a drill in case of an emergency.  Due to unfortunate shootings that took place at other schools around the country, MiraCosta is being proactive by providing students with this training, so we can all know what to do if – knock on wood – a shooting happens.

As an international student myself, I think it’s important to be part of this particular drill since my country only had 1 school shooting in its history. I personally don’t know what to expect and how to act if I find myself in this situation, so being able to participate on this drill will definitely give me some insight about what goes on.

I’m so oblivious to these situations that I found myself in a very uncomfortable moment during one of my classes. I had to do a presentation on Che Guevara and my opening slide had gun shots sounds as part of it. As I was setting the presentation up, I accidentally had the first slide come on before I could introduce my topic. Unfortunately, the sound system was already on and loud, so gun shots sounds echoed in the classroom startling students, having some of them duck their heads whereas others were screaming. I apologized and turned off the sound, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened… I’ve learned my lesson about gun shots sounds in the classroom, but now I want to know what to do if I ever – hopefully never – find myself in this kind of situation.
I will definitely write another post about how the drill goes. Meanwhile, you guys can check a video that MiraCosta Campus Police released on surviving an active shooting:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

MiraCosta is up to date!

Here at MiraCosta everyone is up to date to current events. Although we all are concerned about the horrible drought that is affecting California, we still manage to have some fun!

Take a look at our Interim Superintendent / President Dr. Richard Robertson take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge:

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome back!


Hello everyone!! Welcome to my blog on this amazing new interface!

I'm Mari, a sophomore international student at MiraCosta College. Sophomore? What's that? Let me clarify it for you.

Here in the United States students are called by "names" based on how long they've been at school. It goes like this:

  • 1st year: freshman;
  • 2nd year: sophomore;
  • 3rd year: junior;
  • 4th year: senior.
I'm at the end of my sophomore year and I'm going to start my application for transfer. I have a few University in mind and some of them are CSUSM, SDSU, and Georgetown (Washington, D.C.)

I'm writing this post from the MiraCosta Library who looks like this:

If you like what you see, stay for a while and check the other posts, or just drop me a line and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Friday, May 2, 2014

World Cultures Day 2014

The fountain area yesterday was a mix of over 30 different cultures as MiraCosta College hosted the World Cultures Day, an event presented by MiraCosta College Intercultural Communication class, student clubs, and international students.

Thanks to the efforts put up by students involved in the event, fellow students as well staff could explore cultural artifacts, ethnic costumes, photos, and authentic snacks from all over the world while visiting the tables designated to each country.

Along with the tables, students enjoyed a music performance by the San Diego Persian Culture Center, as well as Polynesian and hip hop dance performances by MiraCosta College students.

The event was a great opportunity for students to interact and learn about new cultures, what do they do, how do they operate, what do they eat, etc. The event was a success and everyone had a wonderful time!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

How does American Higher Education works?

American higher education (bachelor’s degree, Master’s, and Ph.D.) works in a very different way than in Brazil. Here in the United States everyone has to take some general education classes, elective classes, and major classes. "What are they”?, you ask me.

MiraCosta College is a Community College, the first step to your Undergraduate Education. Here you take your general education, elective, and probably a few of your major classes. Once all of that is complete, you receive your Associate Degree. It’s important to keep in mind that the classes you take at a Community College are exactly the same you’d take at a 4-year University. “So why go to a Community College then?”, you ask, and I tell you why: 4-year Universities don’t offer Associate Degrees, and are more expensive than a Community College.

After you finish Community College, you take your second step and transfer to a 4-year University. At those universities you will only be taking your major classes. After 2 more years, you’ll get your Bachelor’s Degree.

Once you receive your Bachelor’s Degree, you’ve completed your Undergraduate Education. If you want to specialize even more, you’d go for your Graduate Education, meaning your Master’s and Ph.D. As you can see based on what I told you in previous paragraphs, MiraCosta College doesn’t offer any kind of Graduate Education.

Going to school and getting a degree is a very important decision, so make sure you study all your options before making your final decision to choose which school is the best for you.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Study at MiraCosta College!

Não importa se você quer apenas estudar inglês ou se você quer um diploma universitário: MiraCosta te oferece as duas opções!

MiraCosta é uma faculdade comunitária pública, reconhecida, e localizada em Oceanside, CA! Isso mesmo, Califórnia! MiraCosta fica ao norte de San Diego, perto da praia (pode-se ver o mar pela janela do refeitório) e segura: temos polícia no campus (oh yeah!). MiraCosta oferece diplomas de dois anos e certificados: é possível ficar por um semestre, concluir uma formatura de dois anos ou transferir para uma instituição com curso de quatro anos.

MiraCosta oferece um ótimo apoio aos estudantes com grêmios estudantis, tutores em inglês, matemática, química e outras disciplinas, uma biblioteca com vários computadores disponíveis aos estudantes e com acesso remoto aos artigos e livros virtuais, etc.

As opções de estudo oferecidas pela MiraCosta são:

  • Estude Inglês:
    • Inglês intermediário ou superior; 
    • Não é necessário TOEFL; Aulas de 8 semanas, 20 horas semanais; 
    • Datas de início: Janeiro, março, junho, agosto e outubro. 
  • Estude Inglês e assista a aulas universitárias.
    • Conclua as aulas da universidade; 
    • Curse um semestre ou complete a graduação; 
    • As aulas têm início em janeiro e agosto; 
    • Você pode obter um diploma de dois anos, certificados ou transferência universitária. 
Alguns dos vários cursos oferecidos na MiraCosta são:
  • Administração de Empresas;
  • Marketing;
  • Design Gráfico/Multimídia;
  • Economia; 
  • Psicologia; 
  • Hotelaria/Viagens e Turismo/Gerenciamento de Restaurante; 
  • Música e Arte de Gravação/Produção de Áudio; 
  • Comunicações;
  • Contabilidade; 
  • Artes Plásticas; 
  • Biologia e Biotecnologia.
E para completar, MiraCosta College oferece um maravilhoso suporte aos estudantes internacionais:

  • Aconselhamento e apoio para obtenção do visto;
  • Ajuda para encontrar moradia próxima à faculdade; 
  • Aconselhamento acadêmico para que você atinja suas metas; 
  • A equipe em tempo integral para estudantes estrangeiros ajudará você antes da chegada, durante os estudos e após a conclusão do programa.

Não perca tempo! Faça como eu! Venha para MiraCosta e disfrute de um ótimo ensino com professores capacitados, e em uma escola onde você é importante!

Friday, January 24, 2014

New Pictures Uploaded

Hello there!

We are at the end of our second week of classes for Spring 2014, and so much had happened already!

Orientation day for international students was a great! The new students had a blast getting to know each other and learning about MiraCosta, as well enjoying a delicious pizza by the fountain.

During our first week we had our first College Hour with students mingling, enjoying free food provided my MiraCosta, dancing and enjoying the amazing weather that SoCal provides.

Check out MiraCosta flicker account to see some amazing pictures of our first week of classes, as well as pictures from other events we had throughout the past year. If you would like to see the pictures by topic, make sure you click on “Sets” so you can choose from many different albums!

I hope you all enjoy the pictures and apply to our amazing College soon!